Eclectic Investment

The Meaning

  • Eclectic: (1) Selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles. (2) Composed of elements drawn from various sources.
  • Investment: the outlay of money usually for income or profit.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Blogs Update - 1

Linda Stern, a freelance writer laments about the confusing world of financial blogs in her Reuters article, “Financial blogs multiply” and then goes on to provide a list of her OWN financial blogs.
The mother of all investment blogs with links to everything stock market, venture capital and economics.
A big, busy blog by a 29-year-old seeking to retire at age 40 with at least $1 million. It's full of personal finance and investing tips, well organized, with links to many, many other money blogs.
This is a list of most financial blogs. It's also a money tips blog of its own, that appears to have a writer AND an editor. Consequently, it's shorter, snappier, and smarter than a lot of the competition. Short and sweet and focused on family finances. Newish, so there's not too much there yet. A fee-only financial planner's musings on stocks, savings, inspirational books and more. Where the self-proclaimed cheapskates chill. Lots of links and content for folks who are convinced they can save as much through smart household management as they can make in the stock market -- especially these days.


Blogger Unknown said...

So many blogs and only 10 numbers to rate them. I'll have to give you a 9 because you have a quailty topic.

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6:09 AM  
Blogger Manxuria Investments Ltd said...

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4:21 PM  

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