Eclectic Investment

The Meaning

  • Eclectic: (1) Selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles. (2) Composed of elements drawn from various sources.
  • Investment: the outlay of money usually for income or profit.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

ETFs - New Kids on the Block

Two new ETFs began trading this week - both in the microcap universe. They are Barclays Global Investors' iShares Russell Microcap Index Fund (IWC) and PowerShares Capital Managements' PowerShares Zacks Micro Cap Portfolio (PZI).

IWC includes only the stocks in Russell Microcap index. The index has 2000 stocks with market value between $50 million and $500 million, but the ETF holds only about 1,250 most liquid names. PZI is designed to track Zach's Research's Zach Micro Cap Index.

ETFs are great financial inventions because they democratizes the investment process. ETFs allow regular investors to get exposures - for hedging or speculating purpose - to different markets and segments of the markets very easily. Here is the list of ETFs on yahoo!.


Blogger Unknown said...

So you're saying this is a good time to invest?

9:11 AM  

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